High levels of work and an intense competition programme can leave some horses feeling fatigued and a little “flat”. This may also occur when horses are recovering from an illness and struggling to return to their original workload.
Similarly, if turnout is very restricted, or pastures are bare, a lack of fresh green forage can also impact on the availability of key nutrients such as B vitamins for energy production, and performance horses and ponies may benefit from a supplemental source.
Pro-Pell Plus Solution is an ideal daily tonic or “pick-me-up” and is designed to provide key micronutrients to support optimum health and performance, including B vitamins, copper, iron and antioxidants.
Pro-Pell Plus Solution can be safely fed at the recommended levels in conjunction with most typical feed regimes, when horses need that extra boost!
What are the benefits of Pro-Pell Plus Solution?
Contains high levels of keyB vitaminsto support energy production, blood building and promote appetite in fussy feeders
Providesbio-available organic minerals from amino acid chelates, to ensure optimum utilization.
Includes organicCopper chelateto support haemoglobin production and oxygen transport.
Containscontrolled levels of ironto support blood building, as the horse is typically very efficient at recycling body iron.
Provides vital antioxidantsVitamin E and controlled levels of selenium,to help protect hard-working muscles.
Contains anenergy dense glucose-fructose complexto ensure Pro-Pell Plus is appetizing and palatable.
Containshoneyto help support respiratory and immune function.